Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Jesus is not God

In this particular post, I am going to explain why I do not believe Jesus is God. I am a Christian and will use nothing but the bible to support this claim. It is true that the bible is "open," to interpretation and I have no problem with an in depth analysis, but this does not negate the fact that the new testament gives clear evidence and testimony on the nature of who Jesus is and who God is. In this post I am going to use both the new and old testament to shed light on this controversial issue. I do not merely hope to change people's minds instantaneously, but my main goal is to openly challenge and discuss this issue as Christians should do.

Many Christians claim that Jesus is equal to God in nature and they claim he is the one true God, and if this is true, this would imply that Jesus is the creator and author of all things. So if we turn to the book of Corinthians we can get a clear picture of who Jesus is and how his nature is differentiated from God the Father.

5For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many "gods" and many "lords"), 6yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.
I Corinthians 8:5-6

Paul is writing to the Church of Corinth in this particular passage, and he is acknowledging the fact that many people will worship all sorts of fales idols and false Gods, Lords, etc. He then CLARIFIES who the one TRUE GOD is and then he states who the one true LORD is. Not only does he differentiate the One God and One Lord, but he uses prepositions such as "from," and "through," when referring to both the One God and One Lord.

"From whom all things come," is descriptive language referring to God the Father. This clearly shows us that all things ORIGINATE FROM God the Father, and that God is the author and CREATOR of ALL THINGS.(From WHOM are all things) If Jesus was God, you would think Paul would have said "There is One God, the Lord Jesus Christ, from whom are all things," but he did not mention Jesus. In fact, he differentiated Jesus from the Father by using the preposition of "through whom are all things," when referring to Jesus. This shows us that Paul is telling us that God the Father is different from the Lord Jesus Christ. There is but ONE GOD, and there is ONE LORD. It does not say 2 beings in ONE GOD, nor does it say 2 beings in One LORD, it says ONE LORD AND ONE GOD. To understand this objectively clearly shows us that God and Jesus are different.

So you might ask, just who is Jesus? What is the nature of Jesus? Well that is easy. Paul tells us that Jesus is a MAN and that he is the mediator between men and God,(Tim 2:5) and this is why he uses the word "through," when referring to Jesus. The word THROUGH implies that something is being accomplished via a 3rd party. God the Father CREATED the world and accomplishes his kingdom THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. If Jesus was God as many claim, then why doesn't the bible state he is the author and creator of all things? It said all things were created through/by/for Jesus, but FROM God the Father. Big difference.

5For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6who gave himself as a ransom for all men
I Timothy 2:5

As we see, Jesus gave us a ransom by dying for our sins and for the rest of the world, but he did this because God sent him to do so. This was not his own will but the will of God the Father as stated by John in the new testament. Let's examine the particular passage I am speaking of.

38"For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.
John 6:38

Here we see that Jesus is speaking, and he clearly informs us of his mission and who is behind it. He makes it known that his life on this earth is not chosen by him, nor is it directed by him, but it is directed by God the Father. It is God the Father who is working through Christ to accomplish his will. Christ is not working his own will, but doing everything according to the one who sent him, which is none other but God the Father. If Jesus is God as many Christians seem to presuppose, then why would Jesus do someone elses will? Why wouldn't Jesus just do his own will if he is God the Father? Why would God have to do someone elses will? That makes no sense. There is true clarity when we realize God created and CHOSE Jesus to do what he has done, and without the mercy of God the Father, there couldn't be a figure such as Jesus to have ever existed.

Now many Christians say that Jesus, while on earth, was a man and that he wasn't God. This amazes me and it almost makes Jesus seem like he is talking with a forked tongue and giving some kind of double talk. Why would Jesus state the Father is greater then him as a man? Just to confuse us? That makes no sense. Besides, why do they say "Jesus as a man," when thats all Jesus has ever been, a man! He now has a ressurected Body, but he is still a man in the spiritual sense. Physically, no, but Jesus has never been referred to as the One God, so where are people getting this idea from?

What's truly amazing is the paramaters this particular passage gives:

28"You heard me say, 'I am going away and I am coming back to you.' If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I. 29I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe. 30I will not speak with you much longer, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold on me, 31but the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me.
John 14:28-29

Jesus is talking about his ascension and ressurection which was accomplished by the power of God. He also says that if anyone TRULY LOVES HIM, they would be happy because he is going to the Father and the Father is GREATER THEN HIM. Jesus is saying... "Be happy for me, because I am going to be with someone GREATER then I," and we all can see clearly he is speaking of the Father. Jesus is stating an inferiority complex in relation to the Father. Furthermore, Christ is undoubtedly made subject and subordinate to the Father at the consomation of the ages. This is proven in the book of Corinthians. Lets take a look:

27: "For God has put all things in subjection under his feet." But when it says, "All things are put in subjection under him," it is plain that he is excepted who put all things under him.
28: When all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to him who put all things under him, that God may be everything to every one.
I Corinthians 27-28

In Line 28, we see that Christ (The Son Himself) will be SUBJECTED to "HIM,"(God) who had originally put all things under Christ. So we see that Jesus is subordinate to God the Father even at the end of the ages. Thus, it is difficult to argue that Jesus acts as a regular man and seperately as God, simply because Jesus is proven to be SUBORDINATE TO GOD THE FATHER. I ask anyone how Jesus can be God if he is lower then God the Father? How can God be subject to another God? That makes no sense whatsoever. There is only One God, and when we start assuming that there is three in one, the bible clearly refutes this mathematical absurdity as shown in the previous passage.

Furthermore, we all know that Jesus called out to the Father and prayed to the Father and even asked God.. "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" Was Jesus talking to himself or was he talking to God? If he was talking to God and you are claiming that he is God, then why is he speaking out loud? Just to hear himself? If he was truly God, he could ask himself privately. By speaking out loud we can clearly see he was addressing a seperate entity and if someone claims Jesus is God, they have to somehow justify Jesus praying to himself! How unbelievable is this? This destroys the whole foundation of Christianity. It is God the Father who ROSE JESUS UP and let Jesus ascend into heaven. How can Christians believe have any faith if they believe Jesus was raising himself? How easy that would be?? But he wasn't, and this is why he kept praying and calling out to God. He even states that he ASCENDS unto HIS GOD AND OUR GOD, AND SYNONYMOUSLY "UNTO HIS FATHER AND OUR FATHER."

"I ascend unto My Father, and your Father; and to My God, and your God."
John 20:17

Jesus is referring to his ressurection. If he ascended to his Father and OUR Father, then who raised him? Obviously he didn't, because he didn't ascend to himself. That's arrogant and eliminates the notion of faith. If you have faith in God, he will RAISE you the same way he ROSE JESUS CHRIST.

29Peter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God rather than men! 30The God of our fathers raised Jesus from the dead—whom you had killed by hanging him on a tree.
Acts 5:29-30

We see again that the "God of our fathers," raised Jesus from the dead. Who is the God of the Fathers? That's quite simple, the God of Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, David. These are prophets of the old testament and God spoke to his people through them as shown in the Old testament, but God clearly revealed himself through Jesus Christ as shown in the new testament. The book of hebrews makes this clear

1 In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets;
2: but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.
Hebrews 1:1-2

We see that God APPOINTED JESUS as the HEIR of all things. This means that Jesus recieved everything he got from God the Father. If this is true, then how can Jesus be God if he had to recieve these things? God the Father doesn't recieve things from someone higher up then him, does he? Of course not. God created Jesus and gave COMMANDMENTS TO JESUS. I am going to dip into the old testament and show you the "God of our Fathers," is the God of Jesus Christ as stated in Hebrews 1:1.

Jesus is referred to as a PROPHET as shown in the book of dueteronomy, chapter 18, verses 18-19.

18: I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brethren; and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him.
19: And whoever will not give heed to my words which he shall speak in my name, I myself will require it of him.
Deuteronomy 18:18-19

Here we can see that the LORD GOD is going to raise a prophet up(JESUS) and will GIVE COMMANDS TO JESUS so JESUS will know what to say and DO. This is prophetic scripture and clearly indicates God is ONE BEING. God is speaking in the singular and says .. "I." He does not say "WE," but he says .."I." which is individualistic and demonstrates his SUPREME and EXCLUSIVE PERSONALITY.

6 Then he said, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob." At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.
Exodus 3-6

I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God. I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me
Isaiah 45:5

Here now, O Israel, the decrees and laws I am about to teach you. Follow them so that you may live and may go in and take possession of the land that the LORD, the God of your fathers, is giving you.
Deuteronomy 4:1

So we see that there is one God and he says .."I am the LORD GOD, and there is NO OTHER." How can we reconcile this with 3 gods in one being? That eliminates the purpose of there being ONE GOD. Or to say 3 BEINGS in ONE God would make no sense as well, because God claims he is ONE. He says .. "I," and this does not denote triunity, but singularity! If we obey the rules of language, the word "I," is denoting one individual. For example, When "I," give my opinion on something, that clearly means that I, Dave, one individual, is giving an opinion and I am not speaking for any other beings other then myself. I am not speaking for people, but I speaking my opinion towards people. In the Old Testament, God is a singular pronoun and the word "God," does not denote any type of plurality. The hebrew language confirms this.

I'll close this post off by presenting the true meaning of Good, and that is God. Jesus rejects the notion that he is GOOD and states that only GOD ALONE IS GOOD. Thus, this clearly shows Jesus is NOT GOD nor does he claim to be GOOD.

17As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. "Good teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
18"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good—except God alone.
Mark 10:17-18

I hope you found this post informative and interesting, and feel free to leave any feedback. I will definitely add more to this topic in the coming future.


theLogikos said...

I'm sorry to have to destroy your arguement here against the trinity/Jesus not being God but what does John chapter 1 have to say on the matter? "1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all people. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." Notice John 1.1 but if that's not enough check out verse 18 "No one has ever seen God, but the one and only [Son], who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known." Now I would probably argue that there is a hiarchy within the trinity progressing from strongest to weakest as follows, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And I would agree that there are no christians alive who can explain the trinity because it is just to over our heads but I definately think it exists. I particulary like this quote from St Augustine "He was created of a mother whom He created. He was carried by hands that He formed. He cried in the manger in wordless infancy, He the Word, without whom all human eloquence is mute."
peace and grace to you from God

Adam Pastor said...

Dear Dave
This is indeed an absolutely excellent post!

Like yourself, I am Christian who has finally come to the knowledge of the truth that the Scriptures mean what they say!!

When Scripture says that there is solely ONE GOD, the Father.
It means it!

When Scripture says that Jesus of Nazareth is the ONE GOD's Son.
It means it!

When Scripture speaks of the man Christ Jesus.
It means it!

When Jesus calls GOD, the Father,
the Only True GOD!
He means it!

I am definitely looking forward to what else you will add to this wondrous topic.

Keep on searching after truth.

Yours In Messiah
Adam Pastor

veggiac said...