Monday, January 14, 2008

Moral Relativity is not Morality. Atheist ideology is full of flaws and justifies immorality.

Atheists can not have absolute morality

Without God, absolute morality is a foreign concept to an Atheist. If the Atheist claims he can live a moral life without God - how does he define morals and what is right or wrong? If he determines what is right and wrong, does that give him permission to do as he wishes? And kill and murder people because he is only accountable to NOONE? The Atheist becomes his/her own God and justifies murder and hate.

They believe morals are relative and that humans dictate morals. They don't believe we have consciences and that society determines morals. I suppose they think the Law is what gives a human being sanity, because they don't have the heart and conscience to make moral decisions. Of course, a conscience was given to us by God and all Atheists vehemently deny we are moral agents!

How can any Atheist be moral? By what standards? How does that word even float around in Atheists head if is impossible for them to have absolute morals? They don't believe in God and inward persuasion/divine persuasion and conscience, so they believe it is ok for humans to do as they wish and there will be no consequences
before an all powerful creator.

The Atheist position is that we are a chemical accident without moral capability. So we act according to societies norms and we act like robots. There is no room for individuality or morality is atheism. The Atheism defeats the idea of individuality because the Atheist believes we are the result of an accidental cosmic explosion. They will fight you to the death and say they don't believe it, but that was what their whole ideology revolves around. There is no intelligent creator who gave us personality and moral capability - instead we are to conform to societies notions of morality, which is relative. Sorry, but "moral relativity," is a big oxymoron. There is no way an Atheist can have morals by their own terms. Morality, all morality - is derived from God and the conscience he gave us.

God is what keeps people from sinning, not people. No one can do good without the grace of God. To believe in moral relativity is pointless and it comes up short with no ultimate answer or accountability.

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